Wednesday, December 22, 2010

I'm feeling frazzled

Yes- the holidays are getting to me- and I'm feeling a little bit taken over by the holiday frenzy folks.  So- what do I do to combat that stress?  I sit on the couch and write a blog entry of course:)

In all seriousness- I thought I could help lower my stress level by coming up with a to-do list- to help organize my racing mind.

here it goes......

  1. eat something
  2. make to-do list
  3. make presents for Dad's family- cinnamon honey butter (TODAY)
  4. and peanut brittle (THURSDAY)
  5. make tags for Dad's family's gifts
  6. package goodies
  7. and attached tags
  8. finish shopping! uggghhh- (I know- this is sad, and ridiculous, and embarrassing)- get final 3 gifts
  9. make Dad's "gift card" from me and the sisters (THURSDAY)
  10. wrap ALL presents (totally overwhelmed by this one too!) (TONIGHT???)
  11. make and rise dinner roll dough- and freeze it (for Christmas day) (TODAY)
  12. play hop-scotch outside with Z
  13. make eggplant parm (for Christmas Eve) (FRIDAY @ Mom and Dad's)
  14. help Z wrap her snowmen
  15. make Santa's cookies with the angelbabies (THURSDAY)
  16. find some black, long-enough, trousers for myself for Christmas Eve...and beyond
  17. figure out my work schedule for the next 2 weeks
  18. breath

So- I think that about covers it- although I do feel like I'm forgetting something....

I will leave you all with these pictures of my loves doing what I wish I was doing for the next week or so straight- painting away.....

Thankfully- I have my helper-boy

and my little daydreamer to keep me grounded;)

Merry! Merry! Merry!

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