I came home from work- quickly frosted D's birthday cake that I had made the night before (his B-day is tomorrow:)- and we headed out to meet his family for a birthday dinner a local restaurant. After an HOUR wait (for not-so fabulous food)- we were finally seated. I was pretty uncomfortable- and starving at this point- happy there was bread on the table. Suddenly I felt a dreaded gush while sitting on a cushy bench seat. Horrifed does not begin to describe how I was feeling! I whispered across the table to my mother in law- "Oh my GOSH- my water just broke". The best part of the story is that our waitress literally walked up with our food 5 seconds later- I quietly explained what had just happened- she hurries back with a SINGLE CLOTH NAPKIN- for me to clean up:)
With the help of my lovely in laws, and family that was out to dinner- I made it through the restaurant somewhat inconspicuously (I think)- although I distinctly remember feeling like I was trailing a line of fluid behind me.
I was relieved- and really excited once we got home. Since we found out we were expecting-we had been planning on having a home birth. I was totally confident and comfortable with our decision. We had a birth tub set up in his room for over a week- Z and I tested it out. We got home and started going through the process- our "birth team" members slowly arrived- as did the midwives, and by 9:30pm (3.5 hours later)- my little man was in my arms as I lay on our bed. It was truly amazing!
Here are some of my favorite pictures of our Little Mosie man from the past couple years....
A week before the birth
Here I am in early labor (upon returning home from the restaurant), this was the point when Em was assisting with the labor because my dear husband was downstairs eating his birthday cake and opening gifts with his family...needless to say he was not down there for long once I found this out:)
and in later labor:) Z was helping me through a surge- right before Shuggie whisked her off to bed
Daddy holding Mosie for the first time:) moments after the birth.
One of the amazing midwives weighing him- 7lbs.
The next day with my 2 loves
There was an awful lot of time spent on our bed in the first few weeks- here's Miss Zel "reading" my Domino design book:)
Looking up at sissy

He got big SO FAST
As you can see- he really likes to be worn!
He is a connoisseur of sweets!
(taken by Simon)
He is a little Angel-boy for sure. He has the sweetest little soul that melts me heart on a daily basis. He loves people, wrestling, animals, book reading, playing outside, sweetsgoodies, dancing, babies, drawing, hide and seek and snuggling.
I cannot imagine our family without his kind, friendly energy.
Happy birthday to our sweet little man!
Happy Birthday Mosie! What a great post! Experiencing his birth was one of the most incredible moments of my life- I feel very lucky! It's so incredible how much he's grown and what a strong personality he has. He's pretty funny!
awwwww, happy birthday mosie!!! these pictures are precious, what a special little man! my estrogen levels surged sky high when reading this post:)
ReplyDeleteOh he is one of THE cutest little boys I have ever laid eyes on,precious! Happy Birthday little man!
ReplyDeleteAdorable. Happy Birthday little one!