Thursday, June 10, 2010

Cherries and Baby Art

Two unrelated topics of blogging importance today- cherries! and baby art!

It is cherry season!!!!

and although the task of cutting out the pits for little angel babies is quite tedious and messy.....

....their sweet smiles make it all worth it!

On another note...

Yesterday I decided to conduct an experiment with the boys- it just so happened that Z was taking an (unfortunately rare) afternoon nap, so I figured I would take advantage of the 1:2 time with the little guys.

A Drawing Experiment

Moses 16 months
Spencer (almost) 15 months

paper, tape, markers, crayons, lots of patience:)

1. Tape a large piece of paper to the floor
2. Offer them some drawing materials
3. Do a small amount of modeling
4. Let them go-to-town


There was a little bit of drawing....

and a whole lot of tasting...

spitting of crayon particles...

...and roaming.

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