Thursday, September 13, 2012

Treading H2O

Do you ever feel like you are barely staying afloat- or like, you have so many things in transition that you are literally treading through life, and the only thing that is keeping you up is the hope that everything will settle in to place sometime soon?  That's how it is right now in my life- slightly insane- super-duper busy and chaotic, but I am trying, trying my darndest to think that this too shall pass- and before I know it I'll be on to a whole new set of adjustments to deal with....and just maybe I'll be able to breath again?

This too shall pass....and when it does I'll have a little more time to blog:) keep checking in from time to time because I have a whole bunch of great posts in this crazy brain of mine- but no time to type them out:)

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