Sometimes I wish I could have a DVR for my life- go back to the happiest moments, rewind and fast forward through the crappy ones- pause and savor the really amazing ones....
like yesterday- the LAST DAY of summer...the last day being home with both of my babies- as actual babies- not yet in "real school"
this is what they did while left to their own devices...
it was their version of a book store (and literally maybe 1/100th of the books in our house...did I ever mention my mother is an an early childhood teacher/children's book addict?)
Here are some of my must-read, all time favorite children's books- in case you need to add to your collection...
Quick read, song-like text- GREAT message
Total tear-jerker- based on real story of US astronaut Ron Mcnair- MUST READ
(Mosie especially loves this book)
I've mentioned this one before, cannot say enough about it's connected, beautiful words and illustrations- LOVE
Great artist story!
Great life lesson book written so kids can understand it- they also have one called Christmas Cookies!
My favorite childhood book- still top on my list- so inspiring:)
I really do want to pause my life right now- stop everything from moving forward- really cherish every single moment of every single day that I am with my children at this amazing age- but I can't, so instead I need to accept the fact that they are getting older- and that life must move forward.
What is helping me through it is valuing the positives in this new stage of our life:
1: It is good for Zella to get nurturing, teaching, values, etc. from another adult outside of our family (and her teacher seems like a keeper;)
2: I will get more 1:1 time with Mo-Man
3: I will get more 1:1 time with ME - at least 1 day a week when Mos is at school and I am NOT in know what that means- YUP- DIY BABY! and maybe some yoga?! and maybe even some extra studio time...I think I am slightly overestimating my productivity here but let's go with it!
4: Zella will meet lots of new friends, have new experiences with all sorts of children from all sorts of families different then ours- and from that SHE will grow so much!!
5: Because we wont be together as much I am forced to really make every second that we are together count- this means budgeting my time right so that my school work is done when the kids are sleeping- and playing, baking, reading, kid art, and family time is done when we are together!
6: Zella is SO EXCITED for school- despite my separation anxiety as a child (and into adolescence) and feeling major separation anxiety right now as a mother- I have managed to raise 2 pretty independent children who are seriously stoked to be going to school (don't ask me how I managed this!) Granted- I know there will be rough days here and there- but right now- the excitement is very real for them!
Here are some shots from our first day!
My super-seriously-excited Big Kindergartner!
I can't help but get nostalgic...
My sweet AngelGirl