My current collection of paintings was inspired by simple observation. While walking with my children last fall- I noticed the simplicity and beauty of the leaves that had fallen on the ground around us. When leaves fall, and sit on pavement they create a print- naturally. This beautiful act of nature caught my eye. I became obsessed with this image and have been recreating it in this series of multi-media paintings.
This technique involves many layers of pencil, acrylic paint, watercolor pencil, powdered pigments, water, and salt. Each work is a collaboration of my love of painting and printmaking. The works have under drawings based on current thoughts, issues, relative motivation for the creation of each individual painting. Inspired by a feeling, a shadow on a driveway, or the way a leaf attaches to a branch, each is unique. While the motivation is not necessarily the same- the idea behind the process is the same. Just as the cement sidewalk underneath the fallen leaf prints has a history and a past- so do each of these paintings. Many times they are not things that you can see, but hopefully you can feel them through viewing the image.