Monday, September 24, 2012

Old News, Leg-o-matic, and Construction

These pictures are now weeks old- and the feelings of reminiscent Mommy have faded slightly, but are still present:)

Not only did my oldest go off to Kindergarten this year (something that I personally am still adjusting to, but the fact that her teacher is AMAZING has made the transition a whole lot easier)....Mr.Man has also started school this year! Jeesh!!  he's doing great- it's old hat for him after taking Zel to the same place for the past 2 years:)

Here's my big pre-schooler on his first day:)

and a backpack shot:) He's in love with the's from Lands End via our local Sears store:)

On the home decor front....look what I nabbed in the 50% off bargain basement of my local antique store for $10!?! (that's right- T E N whole dollars- insanity!)


Don't you love the detail??!!

I literally took a scrap of fabric, unscrewed the seat, stapled it on the bottom, and reattached...quick, painless and very satisfying!  ( The fabric is Premiere Prints FYI)

and, wait-look at the trick it does ....

it now sits here at my dining room desk area

and it makes me smile:)

Oh- and one more thing that's been happening round here....This is the view from my front doorway.....

and also my 6:45 am alarm clock every weekday morning lately- one good thing about this project is that we will soon be getting a new driveway out of the construction deal...not to shabby!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Treading H2O

Do you ever feel like you are barely staying afloat- or like, you have so many things in transition that you are literally treading through life, and the only thing that is keeping you up is the hope that everything will settle in to place sometime soon?  That's how it is right now in my life- slightly insane- super-duper busy and chaotic, but I am trying, trying my darndest to think that this too shall pass- and before I know it I'll be on to a whole new set of adjustments to deal with....and just maybe I'll be able to breath again?

This too shall pass....and when it does I'll have a little more time to blog:) keep checking in from time to time because I have a whole bunch of great posts in this crazy brain of mine- but no time to type them out:)

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Mirror, Mirror

So, for the new powder room I had big plans of recreating this fabulous sunburst mirror DIY.

In the tutorial the writer mentioned it costing around $50 for the supplies- not bad....but combined with the time it would take me to assemble it,  I decided to skip it and take my chances with my neighborhood antique store.;)....and low and behold- SCORE!

Here's what I found:

a fabulous vintage wooden (painted gold) mirror- $42 on sale for $35. SOLD!

Here's what I did to brighten the baby up!



And here's how it looks in the new powder room.

I also added a couple paintings beside it on the wall that I have been wanting to hang for years now.

they are close to my heart because Zella and I made them when she was tiny:)) (I painted the backgroound color and drew lines into the wet paint and when it was dry Zella went to town with various shades of gray)

Oh- and we moved the light fixture from the bedroom downstairs for the powder room- I'm digging the mix of old/new, brass/silver!
